Match your need with Data Centre Technology
UPS is an important component in a datacenter because the function of the UPS is to provide backup energy that is stored in the battery and distributed to the devices in the data center where when the switch between electricity and the UPS must be done directly without being interrupted or experiencing pause even for a second, because many electrical appliances can experience a momentary loss of power and cause serious damage.
Generally, the UPS used in data centers is of the three phase type and most of ICT Equipment use Single Phase Power and sometimes for small data centers too use Single Phase Power
.The transition from electricity to UPS generally uses a panel called "ATS" or Automatic Transfer Switch and there are those that are already built in to the UPS that have to be made / fabricated specifically.
The battery is the main component and the price is very expensive in the UPS where the batt is currently widely used in the VRLA and Lithium types. The battery in the data center is a component that is used up, therefore it is necessary to periodically maintain the battery in the UPS, so that it can be estimated that the replacement of a battery that has been damaged is estimated.
UPS Data Center based on storage usually requires a special place for the battery to be used, because the battery can trigger a fire if there is a short or unexpected event, but some current understanding goes from "Efficiency", then the UPS can be integrated into the Data Center. has good layout settings for Distribution and Maintenance.
UPS Onsite Data Centre
Sample Of Non Modular UPS
Sample of Modular UPS
Most fires in Data Centres originate from electrical sources such as : Equipment (Overheating, Zinc Whinskers or Dead Shorts) , Electrical Distribution (Wiring, Loose Coonections, Sparks) and Light Fixtures
Another Contributing is a Bad Connection , Over Loading and Dust .
During various data centre audits conducted it is proven that high percentage of data centre's haver (Potential) issues with their fire protection .
Fire Suppression Requirement
Data Center have Detection System Called :
Fire suppression in Data Center have many type of gas , we must be carreful to choice it , couse some gas not allowed to used in Many country and not safe for human . In Indonesia many Data Centre use FM 200, Noved . Inergen and Argonite . Let me
Network Cabliung is the foundation to support a high availability data centre , IT Equipment and its application . Proven Product and contractors are crucial for a proper design , Installation works and maintenance of a cabling infrstructure . It will reduce downtime and Improve for Operational Efficiency , Manageability , Reliability and Availibilty . With good structured Cabling System can be : Reduce risk of Down Time, Easy for Re Patching, Easy for Fault Finding , Better Cooling , and Standarized Lenght .
We can manage Data Center with Poor Cabling .Make Sure your data center have good design for Structured Data Center.
Cooling for data center will get big problem when Data Cable closed all air flow for Cooling, We must have design and planning for 5-10 Years in the future .
Standard for Structured Cabling using TIA/EIA 568 for Cooper Wire and Fiber Optic Cable . Cooper Wire charateristic for Data Center as follow : Unshielded/Shielded , Solid Calbes with makximunm lenght 90 M , Flexible/Strainded Cables (Patch Cords) for Patch Panels/Short Distances with Maximum Lenght < 10 Meters and Total Lenght is 100 M Including Solid and Flexible.
Cooper Cable Commonly use catergory 6 or Higher for better connection with Shielded or Unshielded . Cooper Termination will use structured Cabling Patch Panels with Flat or Angled Panels . Patch Cable should always be the same or class higher than structured Cable . Match Shielded or Unshielded Twisted Pair . Patch Cable must be use Pre Fabrication or No on Site Termination . Every Node termination mus be test with Proven Cable Tester .
Light is emitted as pulses at the source (Laser/LED) , Light transport through the Fiber bouncing off the cladding allowing it to travel theoretically "Endlessly" . Receiver the thight pulses and converted it to Data . Characteristic of Fiber as follow : Distance longer than cooper , Not Prone to EMF , Lightweight and smaller than cooper . Fiber Comes with Various size and spesifcations such as :L 62.5/125 Um and 50/125 Um (Multi Mode cable) and 8.3/125 U, (Single Mode).
Fiber Termination on Patch Panel used Fiber Patch Chord : SC 9Replaced by LC or Mini LC) , MPO Now used for 40 Gbps and Higher speed Links, Evbery Fiber Connection must be handle with care and ensure connectors are always cleanned before termination .
For Cerritfication and Best Perfomance all Data Center must Follow TIA 942 Network Cable Logical Architecture for Installation and get Best Perfomance of Cable Installation .
PT. SMI is a leader in Structured Cabling Contractor , we work with many famous Brand in The World such as : Comscope, NetConnect, Panduit, Belden , LS Cable , Nexan, Draka and many more.
We have many site of project refference from small to large Structured Cabling Project .
Data centers need more effective airflow manage¬ment solutions as equipment power densities increase in the racks. Five years ago the average rack power density was one to two kW per rack. Today, the average power density is four to eight kW per rack and some data centers that run high density applications are averaging 10 to 20 kW per rack.
The cost of electricity is rising in line with increasing densities. “The cost of electricity is about US$0.12/kWh for large users. The forecast is for a greater than 15-percent rise in cost per year over the next five years,”
Containment makes existing cooling and power infrastructure more effective. Using containment, the data center makes increasingly efficient use of the same or less cooling, reducing the cooling portion of the total energy bill. Data centers can even power down some CRAC units, saving utility and maintenance costs.
Containment makes running racks at high densities more affordable so that data centers can add new IT equipment such as blade servers. Data enter containment brings the power consumption to cooling ratio down to a nearly 1 to 1 match in kW consumed. It can save a data center approximately 30-percent of its annual utility bill (lower OpEx) without additional CapEx.
Containment enables IT professionals to build out in¬frastructure, data processing, and cooling loads in small, controlled building blocks as demand grows. This is more affordable than building the data center infrastructure to handle the maximum cooling and data processing load from day one, which is the traditional method. Contain¬ment increases its cost ef¬fectiveness as rack densities increase.
Data centers typically have more cooling capacity than the load requires. Still, this capacity does not cool equipment adequately. By raising the delta T, containment avoids the capital expense of adding more mechanical cooling. As you operate cooling under higher return temperatures, cooling becomes more efficient.
The smaller the percentage of total energy the data center uses to feed cooling, the greater the percentage of total energy it uses to feed IT equipment. This results in a lower PUE, which should be closer to a 1:1 ratio.
Standardization is an operational benefit of containment. Vendors engineer containment into building blocks so that as the data center grows, he enterprise simply adds more uniform pods. Containment reliability and integrity derive from design redundancy that mitigates the downside risk of cooling system failures.
Containment aligns with the enterprise by offering a low TCO including low and progressive acquisition costs, quick time to deploy, and lower operational and maintenance costs. Maintenance costs grow only as the data center adds containment pods.
what is the raised access floor?
The raised access floor, also called “floating floor” or “false floor”, is a system created to meet the technological needs of technical rooms and allow easy accessibility and maintenance of infrastructure cabling system on Data Center and Good For Cooling Airflow .
A raised floor in a data center is an elevated floor that is built two inches to four feet above a concrete floor. It creates a space that can be used for cooling, electrical, and mechanical services. In data centers, raised floors are also used as a way of distributing cold air. By using a raised floor, facilities not only reduce the amount of air needed to cool equipment, they also require less energy and improve temperature distribution across all of the cabinets. According to research on the impact of raised floors on thermal behavior in commercial buildings, the presence of a raised floor can potentially reduce the cooling load by as much as 40 percent. Combining this system with an AI cooling solution could deliver even greater savings.
Servers in data centers generate a huge amount of heat, presenting a major problem for data center designers and managers alike. When servers overheat, a common reaction is to consider getting extra cooling capacity, which is based on the assumption that the existing cooling infrastructure isn’t capable of maintaining a proper temperature. In reality, the problem may not be the result of insufficient capacity, but rather poor airflow management.
In order to keep the data center cool, a common practice is to install perforated raised floor tiles within cold aisles. These perforated tiles typically are not installed in hot aisles, unless there is a maintenance tile in place. These maintenance tiles give employees access in a warmer environment, so they can work in comfort. However, maintenance tiles should not remain in place permanently as they restrict air flow.
Sometimes grates are used as a quick fix for hot spots in a data center. However, since a grate can allow up to three times more air than the perforated raised floor tile, using them will exacerbate the issue. Managing the placement of raised floor tiles is critical. If not enough tiles are installed, the air can begin to recirculate. If too many tiles are installed, it can allow air bypass. If a choice must be made between recirculation and bypass, then bypass is preferable.
Having a raised floor in a data center also makes it easier to do equipment upgrades or install completely new equipment. This can include the installation of cabling and redeveloping the premises for other purposes. A raised floor is a good design strategy when there is a large amount of data center cabling to run. This is more efficient and can cost less than systems that are mounted near the ceiling. It can also help with the number of hidden cables and consolidation of physical ports and power plugs.
Running data center cabling under the raised floor tiles also helps to keep the data floor uncluttered and neat. Without overhead wiring systems in place, there’s nothing to block light fixtures and data center technicians don’t need a ladder to access cabling. Making a change to data center cabling is a simple matter of identifying the correct floor panel and removing it rather than accessing overhead trays that are located close to servers, light fixtures, and sprinkler systems.
When setting up an initial design for a raised floor, data center engineers should consider the facility’s future development needs. This makes it easier to factor in the amount of free space needed to install both current and future equipment. The space beneath the raised floor tiles should be designed to allow cool air to circulate efficiently. Once a floor is installed, it’s critical for data center personnel to perform regular maintenance on the area, which includes taking special care to make sure it stays clean.
Since cold air can be channeled under the floor, a data center with a raised floor offers more versatility in terms of equipment deployment than a slab-based design. Rather than bolting the cabinets to the slab and directing cooling from above, raised floor tiles are more modular, allowing the facility to relocate equipment without the need to install new cooling infrastructure overheat.
Cleaning underneath raised floor tiles helps keep out pollutants that could potentially pose a hazard to operations. Dust can get underneath the raised floor tiles and flow into equipment. The good news is that most data centers adhere to a regular policy of cleaning underneath the raised floors. This ensures the space created beneath the raised floor tiles is clean and free of contaminants, reducing the amount of dirty air getting pushed into the servers, which can increase the risk of equipment failure.
Cabling layout is very important in a facility with a raised floor. Just because the cabling will be out of sight doesn’t mean it can be out of mind as well. If too many cables are piled up in any area, they could significantly restrict or even block airflow, preventing some equipment from getting the cooling resources it needs. Data center managers need to carefully monitor how cables are arranged, especially when new lengths are being laid down or existing cabling needs to be replaced.
Raised floors may be one of the oldest design standards found in data centers, but they remain a popular strategy for managing cooling needs and cable deployment. By maximizing the potential of raised floors, data center managers can ensure that their facilities will remain efficient and effective for many years to come.